Departments //
If an emergency occurs outside our regular business hours, call our office at (207) 729-9956. The message will direct you to dial 9 for our answering service. They will then page our on call technician to respond. We have a technician on call 24/7 so if you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to call.
For all non-emergent questions or concerns, you can email, send a request through our Contact Us form, or call our office at (207) 729-9956 and leave a message in our general mailbox. One of our office staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
The process for opening a new account or closing an existing account has never been easier. We've simplified the process so our website is more of a "one stop shop" for account changes.
If you are a new tenant/owner of a property all you need to do is fill out the New Customer form. Once we receive the form, we'll coordinate with the sewer district, take a reading on the day you specify, and get your new account all set up. You'll receive a "Welcome" letter from us after the form has been submitted successfully.
Selling a home or moving out of a property? Fill out our Disconnect My Service form with the date you wish to end service and we'll take it from there. On the date you specify, we'll coordinate with the sewer district, take a reading at the property, and close your account. We will send the final bill to the forwarding address you provide.
Payments, applications, and other correspondence can be mailed to our office at:
Brunswick & Topsham Water District
PO Box 489
Topsham, ME 04086
When it comes to paying your water bill there are a few options available to you:
1. Payments can be mailed to: Brunswick & Topsham Water District, PO Box 489, Topsham, ME 04086
2. We have a drop box outside our front door at 276 River Road, Topsham, ME 04086. Click here for driving directions.
3. You can make a payment on our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any major credit card. Click here to make a payment.
4. Customers also have the option to sign up for automatic payments. Funds are drafted from a checking or savings account 10 days after your quarterly bill is issued. Sign up today and draft any outstanding balance!
Click here to enroll today!
Water bills are mailed quarterly. Our billing procedures, beginning with the day that bills are mailed, are as follows:
1. Day 1 Water bills are mailed.
2. If bills are not paid within 25 days of mailing, the following steps are taken:
- Day 26 Reminder notices are mailed.
- Day 31 A late charge is assessed on outstanding balances, and every 30 days thereafter.
- Day 41 Disconnections notices are mailed.
- Day 56 Water service disconnected for non-payment.
If at any time you have questions about your bill or our service, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Each customer receives a bill quarterly (i.e. every 3 months).
Every customer of the Brunswick & Topsham Water District is provided service through a water meter. As water is used, the water meter records the amount of water that passes through it from the District water mains into the building where it is used.
Approximately once every 3 months, the billing department pulls meter readings from the meter via the external MiNode unit.
Water meters usually record water in hundreds of cubic feet (HCF). One cubic foot equals approximately 7.5 gallons, so 1 HCF equals approximately 750 gallons. A rule of thumb is that a household can estimate about 6 HCF of water per person per quarter. Most residential households have a 5/8 inch meter.
Click the link to be taken to our current service rates.
Click the link to be taken to our current service rates.
As you know, bacteria and molds grow well in moist or humid environments, such as bathtubs, drains, and on bathroom tiles. These bacteria or molds are common and naturally occurring. They are found in the air, soil, water, and even household surfaces. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces using common household products are the best ways to to control slime growth.
Click the following link for Facts About Black Slime Mold from Maine Water Company.
Click the following link for Examples of Shut Off Valves.
Download our "25 Things You Can Do to Prevent Water Waste". (.pdf format)
When there is no water running in the residence, the display on the meter should be unchanging. If there is a demand for water in the home, the digits on the display will change.